In the last week, Kadence Choiniere and I have compiled a list of local teenagers’ favorite Halloween Candy.
Below are their TOP FIVE, listed from least favorite to favorite.

NERDS: the tiny, neon-colored and artificially flavored candies,
most famously known for their irregular pebble shapes
In my opinion, the ranking of this candy is no surprise. Although
they come in a variety of colors, they only taste like sugar with
little flavor, which can become boring after a few bites.
STARBURSTS: the square-shaped, fruit flavored taffy
Personally, this candy is not very good. They are very chewy and
difficult to unwrap. They also only come in four flavors, my personal favorite being cherry.
TWIX: the caramel, shortbread chocolate bar
This is one of my favorite chocolate bars. They aren’t too chewy
or overpowering, but still have a good amount of flavor.
Right or Left? Which do you like better?
M&MS: the small chocolate candies, with hard outer shells
These candies definitely deserve the runner-up spot on this list.
Although each color tastes exactly the same, the flavor of the
chocolate is enough to make this candy great. Peanut M&Ms
are also made and add to the original chocolate.
REESE’S: the peanut butter infused chocolate cups
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups definitely deserve this spot on the list.
These are my all-time favorite candies. The peanut butter cups are so
good and have excellent flavor. Reese’s also makes “Reese’s Pieces.”
These are candies very similar to M&Ms but have a peanut-butter center.
They are very flavorful and are somewhat addicting.