Nine other classmates and I journeyed to Klagetoh, Arizona chaperoned by our AP Literature teacher Mr. Lawrence and three of his children from October 10-15th. We spent five days learning about the Navajo people, who are indigenous to this area. We were housed at the mission center located on the Navajo reservation. We were taken care of by Br. Charles and Sister Monaca. As well as learning about their culture and meeting some of the people, we completed acts of service around the mission and at people’s houses. Along the way, we also got to experience the breathtaking views of the Petrified Forest National Park, which spans for hundreds of miles and has wondrous trails and tremendous historical value.

This image above was taken on the first morning we were in Arizona. As a group, we went on daily morning hikes at 6:30 am watching the sunrise and observing the vast landscape.
In Picture: Mr. Richard Lawrence, Autumn Cirelli ‘25, Caroline Noon ‘25, Norman Decelles ‘25, Ernie Benvenuto ‘25 and Ted Beliecki ‘25

This picture captures two wild horses we saw on our way back from our first morning hike. Wild Horses are common in this area and frequently show up at the mission site for water, however, they are easily spooked.

This photograph showcases the breathtaking views on the reservation. It captures the group on a memorable last morning walk with all the wildlife and beautiful scenery surrounding them.

My final picture is one of the Petrified Forest National Park. The sedimentary mounds were a wonder to witness in person and even more special to climb up and see the length to which they expand. The group all climbed up to the top of the summit and were all left jaw-dropped.
Photos Taken By:
Bridget Dee ‘25