Service is a major part of what we do as a school. If I am being honest, in middle school I thought of it as a chore, something that I had to do. While it is true, I am technically required to do a certain amount of service, my view on it has changed drastically.
I spend a lot of my time on volunteer work. Whenever I am given an opportunity and my schedule allows me to, I take it. For example, after Ms. Vassallo left Mount, I took over the Bernon Fun Days. No one is forcing me to and I am not doing it to get something in return, I just know how much the kids at Bernon Heights love it when their Mounties visit. I often volunteer with the BetterLives Rhode Island organization in Providence, bringing along my childhood best friend to serve our community together. With the holiday season, this service becomes even more special.
There is something magical about volunteering during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. The pull to want to make a difference to those who are less fortunate and make people’s holidays a little bit brighter becomes so strong. It is almost overwhelming. I would wholeheartedly say that giving back and serving others is my favorite part of the holiday season. Sure, the food is great and I love spending time with my family, but it is when I am serving that I feel like I am making a difference.
At Mount, we hold our stuffing drive, Christmas baskets, and - in my opinion, the best one - the Giving Tree. Each year I make a goal to choose one more kid off the Giving Tree than the year before. This year, I chose four kids, two boys, and two girls, around six to eight years old. Greedy? Maybe. But I don’t do it for praise or a pat on the back. I do it for the spirit of the season. My love for Christmas grows day by day. The feeling I get on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning is like no other. I want to give that feeling to other kids and help them see the magic of Christmas. I am fortunate enough to be spoiled each day, especially on the holidays, but it has become increasingly important to me to always keep in mind those kids and families who don’t have the same opportunities as I do.
Now, I don’t mean to diminish the importance of service during any other time of the year. I think that it is one of the best things one can experience. It is always valuable and there is always someone in need. I just believe that this time of the year can be much harder for those who aren’t as lucky as some of us. I see it with my own eyes through my volunteer work. It can make a major difference in someone’s year to see your smiling face. I think it is an important lesson during the Holiday season. I encourage anyone reading this to grab that Turkey hat or Santa hat, get out into your community, and serve those around you. It is always worth it, no matter how tired you may get.
I know sometimes finding the opportunity to serve is the most challenging part. So, here are some awesome service ideas for anyone looking to spread the Holiday magic:

BetterLivesRI - phudson@betterlivesri.org / (401) 454-7422
Food Pantry: unpacking truck and stocking shelves - Mondays 8:30 AM
Community Meals: place setting, give out food and drinks - 3-5 PM
2024 Woonsocket Adopt-a-Family WoonsocketAdoptAFamily@gmail.com / (401) 766-2291
Monday, December 9th - Thursday, December 12th at the Woonsocket Elks Club
Sign up using this link: EVITE SIGN UP

Woonsocket Community Care Alliance 401-235-7245
Bernon Fun Day 25tenreiroj@mtstcharles.org
December date TBD will be on the announcement slide deck and Mount Minute!
Check with your town/city to see if they have any community service opportunities (for example: snow shoveling for the elderly)